Please note that due to the new Grange Paddocks pool opening, there have been some updates to the schedule from 1st November 2021. Our training schedule page has been updated to reflect the changes.
Important news
2021 Return to Training – Covid Procedures
Welcome back to all our squad members! There are a few reminders and changes to how things are working in terms of aiming to keep us safe from Covid. Please carefully read the information that has been shared individually via email. A few of the key points are also summarised below.
No one should be coming to training if they have any Covid symptoms. Please err on the side of caution.
Details on what to do if you have symptoms or are found to be a close contact are in the email – in all cases, please email our Covid Officer.
Swimmers should still arrive swim ready and bring bags poolside, but they can briefly use the changing rooms at the end of their session.
Parents, you are welcome back in the gallery! Please be respectful of people who still want to socially distance. Please do not gather in numbers in the foyer whilst waiting for your swimmer at the end of the session.
2020/21 Squad structure
[Summer 2020] Pools are gradually re-opening, and our coaching team is preparing for our return to the water. We are a club that is changing year on year and to reflect those changes in size and competitiveness our head coach Benoit has reviewed the existing structure and made some updates that will take effect as soon as we start training.

There are more details on the Squad Structure page.
Please review the PDF download that contains the plan of the new structure and the updated individual criteria for each squad. Although many of the squad names remain the same, the entry criteria may have changed so please take your child’s year of birth and consider all squads for which they could be eligible. For example, a swimmer born in 2006 could be in Cadets, Juniors, Minimes or Elites.
Invalid download ID.Movement between squads will be based on age (year of birth), entry criteria (where appropriate) and attendance during the active part of the 2019-2020 season and will be communicated to individual swimmers prior to us starting training. Swimmers eligible for more than one squad may decide not to become part of a squad and will therefore be directed to a different squad according to their motivations.
Please direct any questions towards Benoit (BSSC Head Coach).
Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance
We have been asked to circulate the following communication from Swim England:
The welfare of all our athletes, coaches, workforce and volunteers is of paramount importance.
This communication is designed to inform, rather than alarm, and contains relevant links to the most up-to-date guidance from the Government and Public Health England regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
- The Government has issued advice around travel to and from certain areas as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation develops. Please read the latest advice here. This is updated regularly.
- We’d like to take this opportunity to remind all clubs running events, training sessions or trips abroad that they must inform participants, coaches, volunteers and spectators of the hygiene precautions to help reduce the spread of infection. For the latest infection control advice, please click here.
- It is our expectation that Swim England members will comply with the latest Government and NHS guidance. This can be found on the Public Health England website. If you feel unwell, please call NHS 111 for advice.
- Swim England will be continuing to plan for our events as normal, but we will be following Government guidance and assessing risk as appropriate. We will be issuing specific guidance regarding forthcoming Swim England events as necessary to those due to attend.
- We would advise clubs to also carry out appropriate risk assessments and comply with all Government advice when planning any future activities.
Many thanks for your cooperation.