We’d like to remind all Learn to Swim parents that assessments will be held during sessions on Sunday 24th and Sunday 1st December.
Please make sure your swimmer attends, so that our instructors can complete their assessments and move swimmers up to the next Stage if they’re ready.
Swim School news
September 2024 term: last few spaces available
Our Learn to Swim school’s new term starts on Sunday 8th September, and we still have a few spaces in our beginner stages.
We will also have spaces available for new swimmers in January 2025.
For further information or to book a course of lessons please send a message to our Learn to Swim Administrator. Please tell us the age of your child, if they have had previous lessons and the Stage of lessons you require.
We look forward to seeing your child at the pool!
Learn To Swim is hiring
Learn to Swim Job Advert
If you’re a qualified swim teacher or assistant and want a few hours of work on a Sunday afternoon during term times at our Learn to Swim school, please get in touch with our team.