It was lovely to see so many swimmers, parents and supporters at our Club Championship Awards Night on Saturday 30th November.
We were taken through the successes of the year by Head Coach Jamie McLoughlin – from Counties to Nationals and securing a place in the Arena League Premier Division London Final. It was wonderful to hear a summary of the 2023/2024 season and how well many of our swimmers have done.
Jamie then introduced our new Club Captains, Dylan Davenport and Emma Fields. They spoke about their plans for the year ahead, including a new house system for swimmers and re-introducing a sense of family to the Club. We said thank you and goodbye to outgoing Captains Freya Hadnutt and Jakey Hayes – acknowledging that the new Captains had “big boots to fill”!
Rachael Hunt, a BSSC Master, then spoke to the swimmers about her journey from being “too slow” for competitive swimming as a child to her goal of swimming one million open-water meters in 2024!
Coach Joe Collins then awarded over 250 medals to the swimmers. A huge congratulations to everyone for their successes.

We then awarded 15 trophies to swimmers who have done exceptionally well this year. Trophies were awarded to one person, per age group, based on the number of points achieved from their races at the Club Championships in October. The Coaches Awards were based on attendance, dedication, effort, mental strength and sportspersonship.

Thank you to everyone who made the Awards Evening such a success – it truly is appreciated.